速報APP / 財經 / Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Percentage Calculator(圖1)-速報App

With percentage calculator you can easily calculate:

Percentage Calculator(圖2)-速報App

1. Simple Percentage

Percentage Calculator(圖3)-速報App

2. Percentage share

Percentage Calculator(圖4)-速報App

3. Percentage increase/decrease

Percentage Calculator(圖5)-速報App

4. Discount

Percentage Calculator(圖6)-速報App

5. VAT

Percentage Calculator(圖7)-速報App

6. Margin

Percentage Calculator(圖8)-速報App

7. Markup

Percentage calculator calculates parameters in real time during typing. For example discount calculator was designed to calculate different discount parameters depending on user needs. Maybe you are selling a t-shirt for $25 and you want to lower the price to $18. In this case application will compute percentage discount and how much price reduced in dollars. In another example you know what is price of a product that you want to buy and you know that discount is 10 percent. Calculator will calculate the price of the product before discount and how much you save buying it. In different case maybe you want to use margin calculator. You bought product for $145 and you want to make $25 for selling it. Application computes what is the percentage margin you set for this product and what is the selling price. Or maybe you know the product price and know the margin percentage. In this case calculator computes the profit for selling that product and what was the purchase price. Another interesting functionality is percentage change calculator. Let’s say you know the population of a city in 2010 was 14 000 people and in 2018 it’s 15 500. In this example application will calculate the percentage change of this city population during mentioned period.

Percentage calculator is fast, comfortable and easy to use tool for computing mentioned above values.